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Alphabetical Astrology Engineering for children age 6 to 12

1-A. Orientation: UP, DOWN.
Using a Geometer's Tripod
Up is where the SUN is at NOON
12:00 PM


Hello, "Azul", to all the children of the world who want to UNDERstand
the beautiful world WE live in, let's STAND under the sky and look up together. We all share the same sky and the same blue planet!

Just like Mr Rogers loved his neighborhood, I love my neighborhood too, same as you; my name is Thomas, just like Thomas the Steam Engine & also the Yellow Buses, I'm here to help you make SENSE of the world around us & take you through it.
The Tripod photo above is on a street called Alexander, this is where Ron & his Geometer helper measure the road with their Tripods to Orientate them selves in a STRAIGHT LINES by using several Tripods that they align along Alexander Street which goes from East to West, just like the Sun rises in the East and Sets in the West.


When we are lost, it is easy to find Directions during day or night, just ask Ron the Geometer on Alexander Street.

During the DAY, the Geometer writes the Greek letter DELTA ( the white Triangle/Pyramid painted under the Tripod) to find Right and Left and give sense to our lives, following the passing of our Sun overhead from East to West, which gives us an easy direction to follow. When facing North, Right is where the Sun Rises, and Left is where is Sets. Vis versa is we face south, everything is reversed.


Bottom line, when we are lost, alone or on a Camel back, Day or Night, to find our way again, we Simply need to follow the Right LIGHT, & it will illuminate our path as well as enlightening us all equally under the Sun.

2-B. Finding SENSE, making sense, relative to 1-A Orientation Up Down.
At night, we can just look straight above our heads, and like the Geometers do, we will find TRUE NORTH, the North Star named POLARIS, it is the only one that NEVER moves, so we can trust it to Orientate our selves, ALWAYS!


To find Direction on the Globe/ EARTH, scientist have divided the Earth in 2, The Tropic of Cancer in the North, and the Capricorn in the South of the Equatorial line to keep all the measurements Equal. This way, we know that when it is Noon, 12:00 pm, the Sun is exactly AbOVe and therefore at 90 degrees angle relative to where we stand anywhere on Earth. 


The picture AboVe is the Greek Alphabet that Geometers and Scientists use still today to find orientation in their work and make sense of it in Time. They all use the letter Delta, the Triangle.

It is because the Greeks measured time by measuring how long it took the SUN to come back to the Delta mark on the ground that the Geometer makes, and it takes 24 hours. 12 hours of DAY, 12 Hours of Night during Summer Equinox.

This is why they invented an orientational Alphabet, of 24 letters to make sense of the world around us.

The Greeks did not use numbers, instead they used their letters  and place of order in the Alphabet like Numbers. 

We all heard the DELTA Variant during covid 19, it was the 4th time that the Virus mutated, which means that to the Greeks, D = 4 and it is still true for modern day scientist.

@ 12:00 PM, Noon, on Alexander Street, both the Geometer's Tripod and my Watch show the Position of the SUN relative to what time it is on EARTH where we stand.


For time to make sense to the Greeks, they looked up at the sky and saw that everything went Round and Round, like the Wheels on Thomas's Engine and also Thomas's Bus wheels, so they invented the Greek Zodiac to follow the SUN during the day, and at Night, they would look at Polaris to Orientate them selves Up and Down, and then they looked for the biggest shiniest planet in the HEAVEN's sky. A Delta Upside Down is like the Delta of the Nile in Egypt, a simple matter of Orientation.

They named that planet ZEUS, and the Romans renamed it Jupiter to adapt to their/ our modern ALPHABET of 26 letters.


The Zodiac is a Short term Clock when we follow the SUN on the Greek Zodiac Wheel, and it is ALSO a long time Clock/ CALENDAR to measure the YEARS passing by with Jupiter. The planet Jupiter takes exactly 12 years to go around our Sun, so it is easy to know what year it is, simply by knowing where Jupiter is. And that is How the Chinese Zodiac also works, round and round like Thomas's wheels. So, if you are 6 years old, Jupiter only traveled half way around the Zodiac, just like Half of a PIZZA, and if you are 12 years old, then Jupiter went all around the Pizza.
Enjoy the 3 Part presentation I made for you on Youtube, it's fun education, just click on the links below, A, B, C, as easy as 1,2,3



The shape of letters comes from the shape of the compass depending on their positions around the wheel, it is often the same shape repeated in different angles.The letter A is the same shape, but opposite direction to the letter V, identifiable on the compass wheel points. The letter M is the same shape, reversed W, and to the side E, all identifiable on the compass wheel in purple.

Numbers can also be put around in a Wheel, in fact, that is why they were invented in the first place, to mark the Time on a Clock.

Some clocks have time in Roman Numerals, like I  II  III  IV  V
to say 1  2  3  4  5, when we know both systems of writing, we UNDERSTAND better how it connects.


  We measure time in weeks because 4 of them make a complete Lunar, cycle, which is the time it takes the Moon to orbit around our Earth, with the same principle, on a shorter time scale, we measure a day based on the time Earth takes to go around itself in 24 hours, 12 is noon, 3 o'clock, 6 o'clock, 9 o'clock, all directional points on the compass. Ancient civilizations tracked time, light with symbols that became the alphabets we use in modern days.


ARE WE READY 4 SOME FUN Learning with our

Let's learn together how to understand our wonderful world to better preserve and protect all the people of the world.

The Five point star shape below is known as a Pentagram. Today, many know it as the pentagram or petals of Venus. The word pentagram – or five-sided figure – is because, over the eight years, each phenomenon – each relative position of Earth, Venus, and the sun – occurs five times. Then, over the next eight years, they repeat five times almost identically.

   In ancient Greece, before Jesus Christ, the Pentagram was called, The Tetragrammaton, which comes from the greek words Tetra, meaning 3, Gramma, meaning word, and Ton meaning Voice, also known as the voice of God.

If you look closely, above the eyes, that little symbol represents the planet Jupiter, close to the center, the circle with the dot, is the symbol for the Sun, which faces the symbol for the Moon, above the symbol for Mercury, to the right and left of the pentagram are the symbols for the planets Mars and Venus, at the bottom tips of the star is the symbol for the planet Saturn and above it, the Trident is the symbol for Neptune; so clearly the planets and the Tetragrammaton are connected, let us see how.



The wheel below divided in 4, is an english copy that was invented by the Greek mathematician, Pythagoras; he was a student of Thales, another mathematician from Turkey who divided the year in 4  to follow the seasons and create an accurate calendar.
The wheel has 26 letters in alphabetical order, and 24 numbers that do not appear to be in order.

It also says, " Short time", and "Long Time".

We know the Greeks knew astrology because they invented the Greek zodiac, we also know they believed in a Geocentric system, meaning that they measured time using Earth as the center of time.

The Earth itself takes 24 hours to complete a full day and night rotation, and we also know that the planet Mars takes 26 months to orbit our SUN.


The astrological, alphabetical wheel below was invented by Thomas Taha Hayot, instead of trying to align the letters in order and have the numbers in disorder, I wrapped the alphabet around the 12 zodiac signs in order to find the correct synchronized functioning alignement by going around twice, just as Earth goes around the Sun twice in 24 months, while Mars completes only one orbit in 26 months..  I am T.H


The Chinese zodiac, alphabetical wheel, I created in the same manner, starting with their first zodiac sign, the Rat with the letter A and when I ran out of zodiac houses, I continued with M in the Rat until I ran out of letters.

The Chinese zodiac has 12 signs of 1 year each, the planet Jupiter takes 12 years to orbit our Sun, therefore, the Chinese zodiac follows Jupiter's position in the zodiac.

By checking with a computer, it is easy to know the position of Jupiter in the Greek zodiac and find the correspondance or matching houses between the Chinese zodiac and the Greek one, making them synchronized.


The triple wheel below, I invented to find the relationship between the 24 hrs of a day, the 24 letters of the Greek alphabet in order, and the 26 letters of the Roman alphabet in order, synchronizing the Chinese and Greek zodiacs exactly as time unfolds in the sky. 

Notice that the 1st Greek zodiac sign does not align with the 1st Chinese sign, this is so because they are perpendicular. When Jupiter is in Capricorn, it is the year of the Rat, and still today, we begin to count the year on January 1st, when the Sun is in Capricorn.
But the Greeks followed the Earth and its season, so they started the year in the Spring, when the Sun is in Aries. It is the 90 degree relationship that exists also on Pythagoras wheel. When you get older and learn the Unit circle, you will call 90 degrees, Pi over 2.


How does it work? The exact same way the unit circle below does in mathematics, by values of Pi (opposite signs). Pi is the diameter line you see in a circle, it is equal to 180 degrees. Half of Pi is simply Pi/2 or 90 degrees as I said earlier. 3Pi/2 means the same value below, 90 degrees relative to the point 0 where X is. All CIRCLES HAVE THE SAME PROPERTIES, therefore anyone who claims there is " no science" behind astrology is an ignorant jack ass who can only appeal to ignorance!

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