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Astrology Definition:  The study of the movement & position of celestial bodies, aka, planets, has having influence on human affairs on Earth.

Engineering Definition: the branch of science and technology concerned with the design, building, and use of engines, machines, and structures.

Segregation Definition : the action or state of setting someone or something apart from other people or things or being set apart. 

There are no strangers here, only friends who haven't yet met!

Make Friends not enemies, the relationship last longer & is way better.

"Un Grand merci a ma Marraine, Maguelone", a big thanks to my God mother, to my adoptive Mother Loiza, who introduced me to Astrology, my adoptive father Dr Jean-Marie Foucault & brothers Simon & Matthieu, a special Choukrane ( Thanks) to my unknown Muslim biological AMAZIGH Mother & Father, to my all Catholic family & friends of all faiths of life, Buddhist, & Sun/ Nature worshippers (Pagans)  who were my COMPASS in this journey, including all the instructors at PCC, Portland Community College, especially my Math-111instructor, Wendy F., without whom I couldn't have known the Unit Circle, Universal KEY to everything! Go to school, you'll be richer in your mind, knowledge is the antidote to anxieties.
It takes different strokes to move the WORLD!!! :


The pictures below, courtesy of my God mother's trip to Australia, is ABORIGINAL art, showing they used the same symbol as the AMAZIGH, in Australia, they also have CAMELS! Camels can be found all the way North, into KAZAKHSTAN, where that same symbol represents the same numerical/alphabetical value "Z" last letter of their 42 letter alphabet.


The Greek Alphabet is composed of 24 Letters, for a Geocentric, Time/calendar system based on the Rotation period time of our Earth taking 24 hrs for a full rotation.


12 hrs of day/12 hrs of Night


The Korean Alphabet is also composed of 24 Letters, note that both nations are geographical peninsulas where the Sun can be observed/ occulted from Sunrise to Sunset.


The Arabic Alphabet is composed of 28 Letters, for a Luna-centric calendar & civilization following the Moon's orbital period time of 28 days. Still today, the beginning of Ramadan is determined by the Moon.


Studies by the archeologist, Professor Mark Fairchild, of Huntington University, found the oldest Synagog in modern day Turkey, a stone trow away from a Hermes Temple. Hermes is Mercury, 88 days orbit time, 4 times a year. 88 / 4= 22 letters for the Hebraic Alphabet. Thales, the mathematician comes from Turkey and gave us the Intercept Theorem, he was Pythagoras teacher.


When we STOP SEGREGATING civilizations & elements, & we start assimilating them instead, we can find how Leo, which represents the Sun,& was called RA by the Egyptians, exalts in Aries, which was AMUN to them. AMUN-RA is simply the expression of saying, the Sun is at its HOTTEST, (Exalts) between Noon and 1 o'Clock, which matches the Greek Geocentric hourly house of Aries; it is still TRUE in 2022!


Click here for Free Audio-book on youtube:
THE HERMETICA The Lost Wisdom of the Pharaohs - AUDIOBOOK || Timothy Freke & Peter Gandy



When the the Spanish conquistador, Cortez invaded Central & South America, he burnt all the written text of the Mayan civilization, except 3 CODEX, 1 of which was given to the King of the world, Charles Quint. Their millennial knowledge was segregated against, belittled & destroyed.  Yet today, we know with 100% certainty that the Mayan began  recording TIME for their 1st calendar on August 11th 3114 BC. 12 years apart from the Chinese.


To master Astrology, it is imperative to understand Astronomy & our Universe. Click here to Watch youtube:
Professor Michio KAKU, Astrophysics  The Universe In a Nutshell. Electro-Magnetic Energy and Light ARE ONE & the SAME even to SCIENTISTS...


To learn in depth about planet properties, MAGNETOSPHERES, watch Matthew Mcconaughey's passionated videos on the subject on youtube:


To hear the relationship between Taurus (Libra) ruled by Venus & Scorpio, ruled my Pluto  opposite Pi value on the Greek Zodiac wheel, Click here & compare  Venus's harmony's to Pluto's:
Video source NASA, from Aryanatomy:
This video illustrates splendidly the concept of "PEOPLE being on the SAME FREQUENCY" by virtue of sharing the same Pi axis, aka opposite astrological sign & planets editing on similar Frequencies.

Quantic computing definition: Quantum computing is a type of computation that harnesses the collective properties of quantum states, such as superposition, interference, and entanglement, to perform calculations. The devices that perform quantum computations are known as quantum computers.

When I was about 6 years old, my father Dr Jean-Marie FOUCAULT, from the University of Medicine of Montpellier, FRANCE, same University as NOSTRADAMUS, used to take me with him to his conferences; I would either sit quietly in the room & watch, or near my dad. I remember him clearly using a projector ( old style, but projector nonetheless), caroled dry erase markers and CLEAR see through plastic to draw his schematics for his future doctorate students in both medicine & pharmaceutical. It is this superimposition principle, that I simply reapplied as soon as my memory made it available to me. Now the concept/idea is available to you, since it is as old as the compass is, & we don't know who put it together, let's not fight over who OWNS THE SKY. We're already fighting enough as it is like a couple of FLEAS on a dog back arguing to know who owns the dog we live on... Don't you think it is time to SYNCHRONIZE OUR CLOCKS & CALENDARS? Please HELP PROMOTE PEACEFUL KNOWLEDGE, EDUCATION is the most precious thing we can take within us anywhere we go. 


All Alphabetical/Astrological designs are DIRECTIONAL, indicating the sense of the FLOW or ENERGY, light & or Magnetic, to Follow. All of us on this good Earth share the same NORTH STAR POLARIS, the same Sun, the same Moon & same Planets.

In CHINA, they have LONG TERM plans, because they track a long term celestial object we call Jupiter. 12 years to orbit. 
12 times 7 = 84 Uranus's orbit time/ Average Human lifespan
Uranus rules Aquarius, (OX when Jupiter is there), China became independent in 1849, year of the OX; they plan to lead the world by 2049, year of the Snake, Jupiter in Gemini.

In the USA, we tend to have short term goals, because our independence fall Just 4th ( Cancer, ruled by the fast moving Moon, 28 days orbit) 1776 year of the Monkey, Jupiter in Virgo (which it self is also ruled by a fast moving planet, Mercury, 88 days orbit.

THUS, our two countries are 90 Degrees apart, it is like trying to talk to someone  in a different hallway 90 degrees to ours, we can't see nor hear, we can only guess. Guessing is the opposite of KNOWING.

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