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Astrological Global Geopolitics
Synchronized Events


The Zodiacs, can be divided by elements, giving us a trilogy synchronicity, when Jupiter is in an Earth house/sign, we find that Covid happened 300 years prior to the Plague entering Marseille in 1720, same is true for it entering the port of Hong-Kong in 1420.

It is also applicable to the Water trilogy, 1839, beginning of the Opium War,Tiger year, Jupiter in Pisces, 1939, Hitler doped his troops with drugs, 2022, Tiger year, China Fentanyl drugs, chemicals imported to Mexico, then exported to the USA.


Electrons always choose the path of least resistance, so do photons, hence the importance of the Pi value in the Unit circle. All circles abide by the same rules.


The wheel below synchronizes the Greek zodiac, following Earth's 12 months orbit around our Sun, with the Chinese zodiac, following the orbit of Jupiter ( which produces twice as much energy as it consumes) as well as alignement with the ancient Qui Gong gates of Energy, discovered by the Chinese about 5000 years ago. The measurements were taken under Emperor Yao's engineers/ uranologist, around 2256 BC.


With this simple opened disc, we can isolate the Pi value, of an opposition of Jupiter (2022 Chinese year of the Tiger meaning Jupiter in Pisces, opposite Virgo). When the Sun and Jupiter are in such opposition, it is felt on our Earth, much like when the Moon is opposite to the Sun, creating larger tides; except that with Jupiter, it is an exchange of Magnetic energy, a surplus that causes all kinds of troubles, volcanic, Tsunamis, and off course it affects natives born under this magnetic configuration.


When the relationship between our Sun and Jupiter is 90 degrees, or Pi/2, that is when the energy exchange is most damaging for us on Earth. For example, August 27th 1788, the English beat our Continental army (because we were founded in 1776, Jupiter opposite to Pisces). Furthermore, a human menstrual cycle is 3/4 of a month, tracking the Moon which spends 1/4 of its orbit within our Earth Magnetic field, a human pregnancy is 3/4 of an Earth orbit. 60 years ago, or 2 Saturnial orbits ago, the Russians parked their nuclear missiles in Cuba ( 1962, year of the Tiger), 2022 ours are parked at their doorsteps ( year of the Tiger) which means Jupiter in Pisces, end of a cycle, beginning of a new one.


At Pi/2 or 3Pi/2, 90 degrees, we in America get more affected because it is our TIME beginning, 1776, year of the Monkey, Jupiter in Virgo, 90 degrees to Gemini ( which was the zodiac sign of Ben Laden, who attacked at that configuration, probably without even knowing it, September 11th puts the Sun in Virgo, 2001 puts Jupiter in Gemini. The FBI itself was founded a year of the Monkey, 1908, Jupiter in Virgo, everything is cyclical, which explains why history repeats itself. China is lead by a Gemini, we don't get along. Thales was the one who figured the laws of intercept, he was also the teacher of Pythagoras, who gave us Pi. Except that Pi can also be calculated by dividing Mercury's orbit of 88 days by our Moon of 28 days.
Not all 90 degrees configuration/intercepts are bad, Our president Joe Biden Scorpio, 90 degrees to Leo, got along fine with our former President. Even still today, the Pi value exist between our President and Vice President, Taurus, Kamala with a K because Taurus shares the same axis with Scorpio/aka / Chinese Dog, 11th Chinese sign, giving the 11th letter K.


The Greeks believed in a Geocentric system, so the letters were originally created to have a double purpose, 1st to count the numbers of hours in one day, then as letters to write with. This wheel below, synchronizes the 24 hours of a day, and the 26 months orbit of Mars, created by the Roman. To this day, mathematicians and engineers use Greek letters as numbers, we heard it during the Pandemic of the Corona virus, the Delta version of that, was the one that spread the most.


  Albert Einstein was correct when he said:"Everything is Light", when we isolate the Pi values, we can find people's initials by their zodiac signs. exemple: Vladimir Putin is a Libra, and on that Pi value, we find V and P. The first man in the Bible, lamb of God, is also spelled out fully ADAM. 90 degrees to that value is Capricorn, 10th sign, 10th letter J, for Jeff Bezos, AM for Amazon. Energy and letters travel on light beams and/or electromagnetic energy produced by the Gas giants, or reflected by our Moon.  Note that there are 4 operations in mathematics, to keep short, when we add the numerical values marked in the Greek zodiac to the Chinese zodiac, 10 + 1= 11, which matches with the K value (11th letter) in the Greek alphabet. Also note that Elon Musk is a Cancer, 90 degrees to Putin; his E initial correspond to Jupiter in Scorpio at the time of his birth, E 5th letter, 5th Chinese house of the Dragon/aka/Taurus, opposite to Scorpio.

In spite of Neil Degrees Tyson dwarfing Pluto for the sake of his ego, the man is  completely ignorant when it comes to astrology ( appeal to ignorance);  Taurus is governed by Venus, which can be heard on this recording by NASA from 1986 (year of the Tiger), Scorpio 1 Pi value across is governed by Pluto, which on the recording sounds very similar to Venus, because they talk to each other and have done so for 5 Billion years.

 Our scientists are taught to have tunnel vision, and that's what kept us blind for the past few hundred years. Planets are very much alive, and they emit frequencies in the form of electromagnetic frequency that bounces off the rings of Saturn and Uranus which are made of ICE, and just as it is on the EARTH polar caps, ice reflects light; giving us an energy surplus that disturbs our Earth core made of Iron, and Magnetosphere. Since our bodies are 67% water, we humans are also subjugated to the frequency disturbance in our brains. People get affected, Psychiatrist call it bi-polar disorder, which is what is currently happening to both Putin and Musk, that's why Putin just fired one of his closest generals. Our Sun is getting closer to enter Capricorn on the 23rd, this December which is 90 degrees, or 3Pi/2 relative to Putin's birth sign, and Pi relative to Elon Musk birth sign. I hope this helps understand the situation better.  Even the Telescope James Webb was also named by the same principle of birth by launch, J A and M S are from December 24th ( Capricorn/ Cancer pi value) year of the OX, 2021, Jupiter in Aquarius, on the same Pi value as Leo, giving the letters by Jupiter WEBB on that PI AXIS.


Uranus/ OURANOS ( 7 letters for the 7th planet from the Sun gives the TEMPO to our human lifespan of 84 years; 1/2 of that is 42 years, 2020 beginning of the Covid pandemics, 42 years prior, H1N1 virus 1978 ( I was 2 years old).


Ouranos God of the Sky and thunder, also gives the TEMPO to our global conflicts, 83 years ago, on February 7th, Lord Chamberlain flew back to London with a pact of non-aggression from Hitler, and the 2nd world war began in 1939, year of the Tiger, Jupiter in Pisces. 83 years later, 2022, same year of the Tiger, on February 8th, President Macron of France, flew back to Paris with a pact of non-agression from Putin. Same applied for our civil US war, and before that our war of Independence in 1776.


The very definition of ASTROLOGY, is the effects of celestial objects on living organisms on Earth and us Humans. in 2020, the entire WORLD COMMERCE came to a stop because of 1 single ship blocking the Suez canal; that ship  was freed by the tides of the MOON, an ASTROLOGICAL PHENOMENON.

We must grow out of "management by crisis and evolve to Prevention rather that Cures to often too late. There is a reason why Astrology has been used and relied upon for over 5000 years, we must stop belittling our own ancestors and their work. 

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